Friday, October 7, 2011

Sara Birthday Party

Come One Come All to Sara's 23rd Birthday Celebration and Open House

Sunday, 9 October 1pm - 9pm.

Drop in, share some laughter, a piece of cake, check out her new house, and be part of a very special day for her.

No presents, as she really can't use anything and really only wants people to come say "Hi".

***address redacted***

See you There!!!

Hello All

First - I must apologize because I lost track of the blog. Sara's old speech computer was setup to let her automatically blog, and I totally forgot to set her new one up to do the same. She got so excited that she could Facebook that she hasn't let me take her computer for programming ever since.

Sara is doing AWESOME. She has regained control of her head and neck. She shrugs her shoulders, nods yes and no, and even laughs out loud now. Her full facial expressions are back and silly as ever. She goes through physical therapy (with Dad) once or twice a day, and resists every exercise (which is progress...she's not just floppy. She is intentionally resisting.) As such...she's getting strong as hell. She periodically moves her arms and legs, although not on command - mostly in response to stimuli.

She's pretty amazing. My favorite reason for waking up every morning is seeing her beautiful face. And hers is the last face I see before I go to sleep (unless my puppy is in my room.)

I'm going to revist and review the blog (and the original blog, which is offline) and figure out where to pick up from here.

Onward and Upward..

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I don't necessarily think you have to save yourself for marriage (I certainly didn't) but I do think you shouldn't have children until marriage

Sunday, June 5, 2011

When you think about it, a runaway train isn't that big a deal. It'd be easy to track and therefore avoid, and the engine would run out of fuel and friction would eventually bring it to a stop

Friday, June 3, 2011

blonde hair on black girls is tacky
tv makes me glad I don't have a sister

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

I like the ''you are the father''esque Maury shows, but I don't place much stock in biology because my dad and father aren't the same person