It cracks me up that Pinky and the Brain will wander inside.
we are lucky to live in a country where you won't get shot for being an ass
The concept of ''The Real House Wives'' show is stupid because real house wives damn sure don't look like models
no one should have to die all alone
Batman was just a really smart, really rich guy
I wonder how people discover they have weird ass talents
there are some weird ass world records
I really don't understand how a LifeAlert thing would make you feel younger. I would think it have the exact opposite effect because it would be a constant reminder of how old and feeble you are.
now that I am older I understand the saying ''men are from Mars, women are from Venus''. I wonder if super flaming gay men would be from Venus and really butch lesbians would be from Mars.
I think if you are gonna break up with some one you should have the common courtesy of doing it face to face instead of over the phone
I imagine bouncing around on your balls (like in South Park) would be painful
I don't miss the chaos that is the first day of school
If anybody asked me what my home town was I would say here because I have lived here the longest and I graduated high school here (I was born in San Diego but haven't been back in 20 years. I'm 21).
I can't take a man with pink hair seriously
I wonder how Joseph reacted when the virgin Mary told him she was pregnant (I may not believe in that stuff but I do wonder).
I certainly don't have a high opinion of the kids who have basically everything handed to them but they lash out by doing drugs and having sex
I haven't seen twilight and don't want to
jellyfish look harmless enough but I definitely WOULD NOT want to get stung by one
I don't understand the point of filtered water. Humans survived just fine for hundreds of thousands of years before it
curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought him back
I don't understand all the crazy s*** women usually do even though I'm a woman.
I wonder if the people in video clips (like on World's Dumbest...) ever recognize themselves.
My body is kaput but at least my mind is healthy (albiet a bit dirty).
Why in the world would you light your balls on fire?
female body builders look like men
raw oysters look like snot
when is running from the cops ever a good idea? I would think people would know better
cheerleading isn't a real job
No matter how tame a wild animal gets they're still just that, animals. It really doesn't surprise me that they occasionally maul people.
I have heard of those all in 1 tools but I wonder if there is a tool that actually does everything (like a Swiss army knife on steroids).
I liked Avatar but I am not certain what was so great about it
when is running from the cops ever a good idea?
I am a big supporter of the use of seat belts
what is the difference between a carosel and merry go round?
I don't think I have ever heard of a baby with diabetes
I didn't know twilight was originally a book
I wonder how you get Dick from Richard.
I have never been arrested
I know the justice system is innocent until proven guilty but sometimes bail could let guilty people get away
I think if you get thrown in jail you should be required to wait like a week before you post bail
as far as I am concerned, father doesn't necessarily equal dad
Seriously don't ever forget to use your seatbelt. Mine saved my life.
''Anything crazy has to come from Texas.''
If your birthday is on Christmas, do you get twice as many presents?
I think my condition would be hell on a hypocondriac
I think if you enter this country illegally you should get booted out
I have noticed the reason people usually give to try and justify cheating on Jerry Springer is there is something wrong at home
isn't a mile between 3 and 5 thousand feet?
I think I calmed down so much because even though I knew how to beat people up I was taught that it isn't right to just go and punch somebody. I was young enough that it stuck.
I used to have a really nasty temper but now I am very calm and patient
I think stuck up adults who try to overly control children need to remember what it was like to be a kid
I think in order to be a male fashion designer being gay is probably a prerequisite
If I had Activia, I wonder if it would cancel out my lactose intolerance
When is drinking a flaming shot ever a good idea?
If you're prone to sleepwalking I wonder if you'd continue to do so if you're flop.
How do you get contacts out?
I don't understand the trend about having white teeth
I have had fake stuffed ducks since the day I was born
after getting past all that teenage crap i realised it really isn't all that important
I'm old enough so I know better but young enough that I'm not completely set in my ways
I doubt most people would choose to live this way but I take it all in stride
Obey gravity It's the law
The magnificent flopping quad