I think I have a healthy ticker
building a mosque on the 9 11 site is just bad taste
treat people the way you want to be treated
what is the difference between miss America and miss usa
you know what is actually a good combination? peanut butter and nacho cheese doritos
you know what is actually a good combination? peanut butter and nacho cheese doritos
How do marine mammals sleep?
I wonder if catching the wig at a Jerry springer wedding is like catching the bouquet at a regular wedding
I wonder if catching the wig at a Jerry springer wedding is like catching the bouquet at a regular wedding
I wonder if catching the wig at a Jerry springer wedding is like catching the bouquet at a regular wedding
dont be a fool wrap your tool
who is the elephant man i seriously don't know
I think when you turn 18 you should have an advanced directive just in case
my father was abusive but these people (on Steve Wilkos) make him seem like an angel
I am mighty morphin power quad
what is the difference between assault and battery?
I have noticed that the people who get really defensive are usually lying (on, like, Steve Wilkos).
sibling rivalry apparently isn't just humans
why the hell would you put a loaded gun in the oven
we might have the constitutional right to bear arms but it is regulated out the wazoo
quad toss sounds like an Olympic event
i don't think many people know trains can't stop on a dime
I am a little surprised drinking Tabasco wouldn't make you breathe fire
a little green house effect is actually essential but too much is bad
kids movies have gotten better over the years
I wonder why adults don't usually get lice
I think there are a couple species alive today that survived the extinction of the dinosaurs
there are some very basic social rules we learn in kindergarten that some adults seem to forget
it is creepy when a teacher dates a student
colon flow sounds like an ass plunger
I never really thought about it but Santa is a perv
I think a good parent is the one who sticks around through hell and high water regardless of biologically
does pepper actually make you sneeze?
I think self defense should be taught in school
in space no one can hear you quack
I am a very firm believer in karma and it is about time some good happening to me after years of crap
we are the black sheep of the world
I survived a stroke that is typically fatal. I'll watch what I damn well please
I know it is immature for me to like some of the things I do but i really don't care
when I was a kid I had a really bad temper but now it is nearly impossible to make me mad
Keanu reeves sounds like he is permenently stoned
if there are aliens I doubt they look like humans
I think veterens should be respected because they volunteered to do a job knowing full well they might die
eating animals keeps thier population under control
I think that even though we have the right to protest there is a time and place for it and a funeral isn't one of them
I never really thought about it, but ''elbows'' is a funny word