1 of the ducks went missing for a short time today. It was a little heart breaking because the other duck was quacking her heart out looking for her
just because we are advanced and have dominon over the other animals doesn't necessarily make us any less animalistic
iron cobalt nickel copper silver gold and platinum
nothin says lovin like kissin your cousin
I know if something is plugging up the hole you shouldn't remove it if you get stabbed
Don't be insulted if I don't respond to you. My abilities on this computer are VERY limited.
I don't know what I can say to get *anyone* to visit me
If y'all come by, it doesn't have to be all day. I'd be cool with, like, 5 or 10 minutes. I'm tired of feeling forgotten
I have no sympathy for idiots
I wonder how you tow a tow truck
I would think violent crime would actually go down if everybody knew self defense
I would think violent crime would actually go down if everybody knew self defense
I heard dreaming is actually very important
I bet 5 hour energy is nasty
I think it is really stupid to reward people for intentionally staying unhealthy (whether it be too skinny or too fat)
I think it is really stupid to reward people for intentionally staying unhealthy (whether it be too skinny or too fat)
when you are flop you think of really weird crap
taxadermy is a weird ass hobby
strippers make their dads roll in their graves
I wonder if balloons accidentally let go by little kids eventually end up in space
do ducks actually have taste buds
I pride myself in being smart because people expect me to be an idiot
wtf is Elmo supposed to be
Most sci fi shows are pretty cool, but going faster than light breaks the laws of physics
(watching Jerry Springer) I didn't even lose my virginity until I was 18. it Baffles me that these people are having children when they are still children
I think there shouldn't be gun control. thugs would think twice about f***ing with somebody if they might be packing heat
you have to have some kind of death wish to run in heels
watching this show (1000 Ways to Die) really re iterates my belief in karma because usually the ass****s die
Does gravity get weaker the higher you go (like at the top of Everest)?
we are all made of stars (I didn't understand that Moby song when I was a kid but I do now).
What's the difference between SUBjective and OBjective?