trashiness isn't just for white people
some people can pull off fat but most look like the blueberry girl from Willy wonka
it is obvious why greed is one of the 7 deadly sins
i think if you are here illegally you have absolutely 0 right to stay
I was born in the U.S.
I wonder who thought of putting money in a pig
is there a clean bomb? (opposite of a dirty bomb)
talking cheese would be creepy
having a similar first and last name is just silly
I think self defense should be taught in school
I wonder if any cake goes unscathed on Jerry Springer
of course I have heard of chickens running about with their heads cut off but I have never seen it
I wonder if vegans can have Jello
I can't stand when medical professionals get complacent
tv without the video (particularly How it's Made) is full of sexual innuendo
when you're flop you tend to think of weird crap
people who draw on their eyebrows tend to look perpetually surprised
If you're a hermaphrodite, doesn't that mean you're both gay and straight at the same time?
I think people forget politicians are only human
that plane that simulates zero g would be cool but space sounds no
Food production on a massive scale is kind of gross.
little gaps between the front teeth are cute but big ones make you look inbred
that would be really creepy if your toilet paper piped up while you were wiping your ass
What is a phobia of ticks called?
I wonder if animals that live in water ever get thirsty
it makes me smile to hear osama bin laden is dead