Saturday, January 9, 2010

I don't really get why we try to ''save'' 50, 60, 70 year olds. I am not being a pessamist, but like what is the point when they will die soon anyway?


  1. I would think you of all people would see the answer to that one, Sara. There was a time when the wisdom of saving you was qustioned.

    Maybe you'll understand when you're 50, 60 or 70 years old, or when someone you love and care about is that age and in need of medical care.

    I'm not so far from 50 myself. I'd like to think if something happened to me, somebody would try to save me. I still got some living to do, and people who need me.

  2. Sarah, I am in my 50's and still have lots of things I want to do in my life. My brain only feels like I'm in High School. I guess it depends on how old a person is, if they are sickly, if they have a reason to want to live, how long they expect to live, etc. Some folks genetics allow them to live to be 90 or 100. So, being 50, 60 or 70 still is "young".

    I really enjoy reading what you have going on in that noggin' of yours !
