Dusty is a pretty incredible animal. He has started watching over her at night and is quick to start yelling when she is in distress.
Not many people know the full story about Dusty. Sara got him when she was 5 years old. My mother said that it is important for a child to grow up with an animal and 5 years old is a good age to start caring for one. So, at age 5 I took Sara to a friend of mine who had a new litter of Maine Coon kittens. Her first inclination was to chase around the room trying to catch a kitten. I told her to stop that and sit in the middle of the room. Her cat would come to her. After a few minutes, the smallest of the bunch ventured out from beneath a piece of furniture. He strode to Sara as if he knew where he was going. He crawled in her lap and curled up. Starting to purr I told her that her cat had just chosen her. We wrapped the tiny cat in a wash cloth (yes, he was that small) and took him home.
Once in the house and released the ball of fur took off for the nearest dark space under furniture. Several minutes of peeking and hunting for the little fluff yielded nothing, until from beneath my husbands desk came a faint meow. Sara walked over and squatted next to his computer chair to find the little kitten staring back at her. He had tangled himself in the computer cords and was afraid to move. His big gold eyes almost hovering in the dark mass of wires and dust bunnies that frequented the breeding ground below Tracy's desk. We extracated the small cat and, shaking the dust off of him, one of us commented he looked like a dust ball. That immediatly became his name, as did many variations...dust ball, dusty ball, duster, dust buster, dustaroo, duster kitty, mister kitty, old man and bitch face. The last one was given to him by Michael while Sara was in the hospital. Seems that every time i'd come in the house and he could smell her on my clothes and she wasn't there he'd read me the riot act and bitch at me.
This cat took to Sara like no other animal i've ever seen. She could put him on his back, carry him around by his forepaws, carry him like a baby, cuddle him under covers, wrap him in a baby blanket and put him in a stroller. She'd sleep with him like a teddy bear at night, and a rag doll during the day. The cat's favorite place to sleep has always been ON Sara.

He has traveled from California to Texas and back, San Diego, and many locations in the bay area. He has gone for long car rides and acted as navigator, driving coach, and lap warmer. He's flown back and forth on the airlines, always calm and never medicated. As long as he was with Sara nothing seemed to phase him.
When we got Michael's dog (when was 10) Dusty took it upon himself to school the puppy on the heirarchy of the household. Despite being declawed on the front, he handily nipped at the dogs nose and ears until he showed the correct amount of respect for the cat. I don't think the got along, per se, but they do live together well.
Then came my puppy. Dusty has never shown a maternal/paternal instinct before, but he cared for Gracie as if she were a kitten. He washed her face and ears. He'd stay close when she was cold. He'd go outside with her when she was potty training. He'd play with her until she got rough then get cat on her and she'd settle down. Gracie came to us unweaned, well below 9 weeks, and in danger of failing to thrive. When she was not tucked in my shirt for warmth, she was curled up with Dusty for warmth. The puppy spent several months on gentle formula, cat milk (canned), and baby cereal while her stomach matured and she started to thrive. The whole time the cat watched over her. he'd back the other dog off of her if he was bugging her too much.
This cat has been as large as 21 pounds at one point - not fat - just a large Maine Coon. He hovers between 12 and 16 these days, depending on how healthy he is at the time. At one time during Sara's hospitalization he stopped eating (actually, did a couple of times) and lost a third of his body weight in just a few weeks. His fur got dull. He didn't clean himself as well. he didn't seem to really care about much. When we would take him to the hospital he'd perk up and start eating, grooming, and talking again.
Well, since she's been home the cat has done incredibly well. he is up to 16-17 pounds, eyes bright, coat shiny, and a happy, purposeful stride about him. It took him a few weeks, but he has taken in about Sara and doesn't spend much time away from her. Nightly he is in her room, taking the night shift and cat naps and watches over her. When I come in for her 2am breathing treatment he gives me report, meows at me a few words, goes to the box (in the other room) and catches a big drink of water. He then comes back and takes his place on the chair in her room, facing her.
During the day, when nurses are around, he can be found sleeping on her bed - getting his rest for the day - so that he can be awake for his night shift.
I am amazed at the love this animal shows for her. Her condition is hard for us humans to understand and we have the benefit of information and discussion. He has had to come to terms and find his own way without anything other than his love for Sara to guide him. It means so much to her to see him walk over her, come check her face, and curl up around her feet. She knows he loves her and he is going to help her in any way he can. That equates to "fur therapy". He lays down next to her and she can feel him - his warmth, his purr, and it makes her truly happy. It always has.
I'm just amazed at what an amazing animal he turned out to be. From that scraggly little kitten being drug around by his tail by a 5 year old, to a gorgeous large cat with a chatty disposition and a large heart walking all over the girl he loves just because he can.
Dusty sounds like an amazing cat :)
ReplyDeleteAw! Aren't Coons awesome. My husband and I have two cats, one being a Coon named Tiger. I can totally relate to Sarah and Dusty when it came time to choosing a kitten for my birthday. When I had picked Angel, a tiny black runt with the squeakiest meow, Tiger suddenly started meowing like crazy and grabbing at my husband's hands through the cage door. He chose my husband and wouldn't leave him alone until we decided to get him as well. I am so thankfully for our two hairy children. They changed our lives for the better in so many ways.
ReplyDeleteIt is said that Coons are the largest and smartest of the domestic cat breeds and no wonder they call them Gentle Giants.
Oh, here's a video that might cheer up Sarah! It's Angel's little meow as a kitten. :)
It's beautiful that he's such a faithful companion for her. Cats can be the most compassionate and empathetic animals.
ReplyDeleteI only just read your story, and I send my best wishes for your future, Sara. I hope you have a lovely christmas and new year.
Dusty sounds like a wonderful cat. =)
ReplyDeleteCats are amazingly intuitive animals, and it's fortunate that Dusty has survived this long to help Sara through her recovery. As a fellow cat owner, I know just how much cats can help with pain and suffering.
ReplyDeleteThe picture of Dusty sleeping on little Sara's chest is absolutely adorable! The cat's story itself is something out of a Chicken Soup for the Soul book. That being said, have you submitted any of Sara's stories to the publishing company? As much as her stories have inspired many, having them published in such a way would inspire even more. Dusty's life is no exception.
A message for sara.
ReplyDeleteDear Sara,
I heard your story online on DeviantArt, and i wish you very well and to keep improving during these difficult times, optimism is the key and Laughter is the best medicine.
When school goes back after holidays, i'm going to start raising money and things to help out, if i can. We live alll the way down in australia, it's hot weather here for christmas. :D
Dusty sounds absolutely amazing, what an intelligent cat, he's just so cool sounding.. Animals are truly human's best friends. I once had a pet chicken, who'd follow me around the house and even sat on my bed while i was sick once.
And i've realised we share the same birthay =] october 11th. pretty cool.
I wish you a safe and prosperous holiday and you are in my thoughts
xx Shelby.
Share the love... and maybe some news... I'm going thru blog update withdrawl.... Everything ok there?
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas! It is definitely going to be a white Christmas in NY and VT where I will be for Christmas with my family. I saw the most beautiful sunset today. The clouds looked like purple cotton candy. I hope that you are continuing to get better. God bless!
ReplyDeleteDear Sara,
ReplyDeleteI love when stuff like this happens. Random and uplifting. I was all irritated, looking for something on Google when I spied a blurb about you, and in my natural curiosity (well, and the fact that I'll read just about anything to distract me when I'm irritated, even the cereal box) decided to click on it and read. I must say that I am amazed and humbled by you. I was in a bad car accident myself in 2001 and though I cannot in any way compare my story to your struggle, I do understand the "small frustrations" and necessary patience, as I didn't walk for almost two years and have had numerous surgeries. Hospitals suck for sure. Its hard on artistic souls such as we. You sound like exactly the type of cool chick that I'd love to write to and learn from; if you'd like a dedicated 'pen pal', please email me and I will inundate you with tales of my daily mundane ridiculousness. :) I'm newer to blogging so I don't have much up but my profile, but you can find me at www.myspace.com/superxtin.
I love cats too, my Lucy is protective of me as well. Hope to hear from you...I know it's almost Christmas so I'm sure you're busy but know that you made my day, by just knowing of your strength through your mom's words, by reading about your beautiful spirit and your laughter. Be blessed and know that I am thinking of you and crossing my fingers that you will keep on giving 'em hell! Merry Christmas to my new hero.
Cheers and wishes, Christin
Hi my name is Louis I am from a small town in South Africa called Cape Town.
ReplyDeleteI heard about your daughter through DeviantArt and was then given your blog address.
Her condition touchs my heart as I have for about 6 weeks been paraplegic and have just resecntly learnt to walk again I still strugle and I am thankful of my family and friends for helping me through it.
My condition is a medical mystery and I through determanation and surport have started walking and would like Sara to know that there are people all over the world think of her and wishing her all the best.
My thoughts are with you and your family.
Yours Truely
I'm hoping that all is well and life is too full and busy for updates.
ReplyDeleteSara, I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas, I'm sure just being home and together will make it memorable.
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas. May your day be filled with blessings.
ReplyDeleteHi Sara, Dusty,Michael and Mom,
ReplyDeleteI have followed your progress on the blog for a year now and am thinking of you this Christmas, wishing you peace,love and a few laughs over this holiday season, Merry Christmas from the cold north.
He is an amazing life; give him your heart and he will give you his. :)