Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Attention: Denise co-worker

Kindly identify yourself to me so that I may remove you from the blog.

Your sharing Sara's private thoughts were the last straw with Tracy and have cost her any hope of a relationship with her birth father.

Sara doesn't really think Denise is a bitch NOW...only that she HAS been bitchy in the past. There's quite a bit of history that not a lot of people are privvy to - and I'll only air here if I have to. Forget all the appreciation Sara and I have tried to express to Denise - all she ever hears or remembers are the negatives.

And now her birth father has chosen pacifying his current wife over knowing or helping his own child.

Sara has brain damage and short-term memory issues. The last almost 3 years she has issues with. And, it sucks for her because she doesn't always remember stuff and says something that comes around to bite her in the ass. Like this. She remembers clearly the bad stuff from her childhood with Tracy and Denise, but has to be reminded of the ways they (she) has shown that she cares for Sara.

You should have seen Sara's face when I played her the email from Tracy. Now she has no hope of a relationship with him or Denise, and no way to fix it...EVER. Nothing she could ever say now would be good enough for either of them. Was it worth it?

You betrayed Sara's trust, embarrased Denise, infuriated Tracy, orphaned Sara from her father and Denise, and may have cost Sara the Kaiser healthcare she depends on(which is Denise's). Those are just the first ripples...

1 comment:

  1. this reader never came forward, so I have removed people we don't know face to face from the blog. they will be contacted and admitted back one by one after they prove their identity and how they know Sara.
