Tuesday, April 22, 2008

late sunday update

Sunday was a fun day this week, mainly because our friend Phil joined me in my trip up to see Sara. This is the first time one of her friends has visited her since she was in Rossmore. She was really happy to see him. Unfortunately it was a bit much for Phil to handle at first. But he perked up once we started watching "Office Space". After that we were all laughing. Sara's Brother also got dropped off at the hospital that afternoon, so her room was rather crowded. We left a bit earlier then I normally do because I could tell that she was getting kinda tired from laughing so much. I also had to make sure I got Phil and Michael home at a reasonable hour.

I talked to her nurse today and found out that Sara's doctor this week had ordered some kind of Occupational therapy along with the Physical therapy. The nurse didn't know what kind though. Another good thing was Sara didn't need to be suctioned at all while we were there today. There were a couple times when she was sounding pretty clogged up, but when I asked her if she wanted to be suctioned, she always said no. She was able to take care of it on her own I guess.

Also, I would like to let Sara's online art community, Tower of Time, know that I read to her all the comments you posted. And she smiled at all of them. She was really happy to hear from you guys.

~Daniel H.


  1. Yey! :3

    We're working on a few special things for her. :D

  2. :3 Thanks for passing out greetings on to Glory! Like Sakky said, we're working on some special stuff for her and we're all cheering you on.

  3. She is in my prayers and thoughts. I'm also incredibly happy to hear she's doing better :D Keep it up, Glory! We're all here for you!

  4. Tower Artist Krispy, here. I'm so proud of Glory. She's remained so strong through this thing. She's always been there to give me her words of wisdom to carry on, and it's time I returned the favor.

    Glory, do not just believe in yourself. Believe in us, who believes in you! HEALING POWER OF LOVE IS GO!!
