Monday, April 28, 2008

Sunday with more friends

This weekend, I was latte getting to visit Sara because for the first part of the day I was driving back up from LA. On the bright side, I brought with me three more of Sara's friends (Andy, Kim, and Tim) who were on the trip with me. This was the furthest I've been from Sara since she's been hospitalized. We were down there to visit another friend and to go to the Renaissance fair. Tim had brought his video camera, so while we were visiting Sara, we hooked up his camera to the TV in Sara's room and played back most of the footage that was taken. Once the footage was rolling, I Crawled up next to Sara and fell asleep. Everybody else seemed to find my sleeping amusing. or so they said when I woke up. It was a fun time, Sara was really glad to see some of her friends again.

Medicly, She is doing well. She had some dust or something similar in her eye, and that was bothering her. The nurse got her some eye drops, and that seemed to help. Other then that, everything seemed good. Although I noticed that the Nurses still aren't putting her heels flush up against the bottoms of her foot splints all the time. At least they weren't sliding out. Otherwise, whats the point?

~Daniel H.

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