Friday, April 4, 2008

Friday 4/4

Sara is doing well. Although I've been sick these last few days I am going to see her today. I'll bathe myself in alcohol gel and mask up, but I miss the kid. I also have her computer to take back to her.

Her computer has been doing crazy things. It needed to be fixed, and they didn't want me to take it out of the room, and I couldn't use my phone to call Dynavox, so it just sat there. blinking. I finally got permission to take it home and call support to fix it. Mike picked it up the other day and I called Yesterday to fix it. All ready for her again. Apparently Sara managed to disable sound...

We are settling into the new house ok. Not much happening as I have been sick. I still have to get odds and ends out of the old house and clean it to within an inch of its life. Today is rent day (actually, the 1st was). Gotta go put that together and pay both places. Yikes. I just keep telling myself that once this is done it is one less thing keeping her from coming home...

And, of course, we all know...there's no place like home...

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sara,
    How fortunate I am that this blog site exists! It is not often that I am able to follow up. It sounds from the postings that you have been your usual determined self. Go Girl!!! What I really want to know is.... are you still a brat? LOL Hope that brought a smile to your face as does the warm memory it represents for me. Big HUGS young lady! And brush your teeth! Kristina, Daniel, and family... Know that I think of "ya'll" and hope only for the best outcomes as you engage with each day's occurances. Your strength of spirit is remarkable!
    Sara you have the gift of an extended supportive, loving, creatively humorous family. Such richness I know you treasure!
    After while crocodile!
    Loud (Deborah)
