Sunday, October 11, 2009

I would really really really like some company today. I can stand being alone most of the time but damn if I am lonely on my birthday today


  1. I'm sorry I can't be there but I hope your birthday kicks some ass :D

    By the way, I just want to tell you how amazing I think you are. Truly and honestly. I know you've probably heard it all before, rock star that you are, but all the same I thought you should know.

    Happy Birthday, Sara!


  2. I'm sorry you feel that way. :(
    Happy Birthday! I hope someone comes to visit!

  3. Happy BD Sara, I hope you had some company and I hope you know that those to far to visit are still wishing you a happy day.
    Happy Birthday to YOU!

  4. Happy birthday! I'm not too late, I swear!

  5. Hi Sara,
    Happy Belated Birthday! I hope I have time to stop by today and wish a happy one today. I went to Reno this weekend. I've never gone there to hang out but I guess there's a first time for everything.
