Thursday, October 8, 2009

where the hell does the term four corners of the earth come from? we know now it is round. you would have to be a complete idiot to still think it is flat


  1. It probably comes from looking at the world on a map, which in itself doesn't make sense because all the corners are in the ocean.

  2. I believe it's biblical in origin. I think it refers to the four compass points.

    And amazingly enough there are still people in the world who honestly believe the earth is flat.

  3. I had a teacher in junior high that thought the earth was flat...

  4. The 4 corners comes from the time that common knowledge believed that the earth was flat. Ancient Sea mariners and map makers believed the earth was flat because the horizon was a finite line that could be seen. Because man understood the concept of north, south, east and west, each was the reference for one of the 4 corners of the earth.
