Thursday, December 31, 2009

I wonder if they have a ball drop in san Francisco
I wonder why anybody would want to destroy Earth. Unless they have a backup plan, they would get killed too or be really lonely.
I wonder if there will actually be flying cars in the future, that would be awesome.
if a football is made from leather (cow skin), why is it called a pig skin?
Can zombies even get surprised?
I wonder if any conga lines have actually lasted 30 years. I doubt it
I think technically your brain doesn't stop really slow growing until you're about 30, but after puberty it is

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I don't get the point of making a casket comfy. If you're dead, why would you care?

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I would think it wouldn't be the best idea to have silver bullets. For one, silver is a very soft metal compared to the lead, iron, whatever is in bullets. Also, as I recall, silver ain't cheap.
my Pokemon bring all the nerds to the yard, and they're like ''you wanna trade cards?'' Damn right, I wanna trade cards. I'll trade you, but not my Charizard.
I guess people usually assume if you are flop you must be retarded, but one of the smartest people (Stephan Hawking) is (or was, I don't know if he died)
they actually train in a pool, since being in water is similar (astronauts)
like if you threw something in any direction in space, it would keep going until it got caught up by the gravity of a planet, star, black hole, etc.

Monday, December 28, 2009

I wonder if my driver's lisense (I am not 100% sure how to spell it) has been revoked
do they even do full body casts for dogs?
Captain Kirk's nipples
 who the hell still stands outside with a boom box to try and woo somebody anyway? I would think that would just annoy the neighbours
I imagine it would be extremely painful to be blasted by a firehose
I know this is a stupid question, but I honestly don't remember. What's antifreeze?
I wonder if q or z or x is the least used letter in the English language
I got a duck xing sign, awesome! For those who don't know, I absolutely love ducks and have a collection of duck parephinailia. (I am not 100% sure how to spell that.)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

I wonder just what the range is for human heating
I wonder, throughout the course of human history, how much stuff we have made. Also, isn't Venice sinking?
I wonder if Dracula and Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde were real
I wonder, if you shot at the Human Torch (from Fantastic Four) while he is all aflame, if the bullet would melt before it hit him.
I wonder why, after whatever was causing the discomfort is removed, why we feel it for a while after.
I wonder if like super heroes and super villains ever sleep, eat, etc.
I know men lead in ballroom dancing when it is 1 man and 1 woman, but I wonder who leads when it is 2 men or 2 women
do bees even have knees?

Saturday, December 26, 2009

I don't get how I am scary
Instead of going out like an average 21 year old on a Saturday night, I am stuck here. At least I have t.v.
I think paper money is actually made from cloth fibers
artificial limbs are creepy
I wonder how the robots who make stuff are made
I wonder if somebody has 20 fingers, and if they end up getting 10 removed
blowing things up is cool

Friday, December 25, 2009

I wonder if Davey Jones was an actual person
I wonder how much force is exerted when you jump on a trampoline
What is a Sadie Hawkings dance? Who was she?
I don't doubt global warming is happening, but I do think it is usually blown way out of pprportion

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas
I think it would be neat to have a little star for my little tree
it is Christmas eve
how come idiots reproduce en mass?
if you don't have arms, would you have armpit hair?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I wonder why we have turned every holiday into an excuse to excuse to get drunk and or over eat
I wonder who wrote the original bible
doesn't the frontal lobe (of the brain) determine personality?
killer bees sounds like something from a bad horror movie
you couldn't pay me to go to Detroit
I know it would be a very bad idea to put somebody with a bullet in them into a MRI. For those who don't know, MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

what is the so so-called ''hypocratic oath''?
I wonder if any women have been to the moon. Not being all feminist, just watching stuff about the moon.
If you dropped a super ball from cruising altitude (between 2 and 3,000 feet) how high the resuting bounce would be
sending valuables in the mail seems like a very bad idea
I never got the phrase ''big boned''

Monday, December 21, 2009

About 75% of Earth is covered in water, so the chances of something from space hitting somebody are extremely low
I am secretly a ninja
I know we (people in general) can go cross eyed, but I wonder if anybody can make their eyes go the other way
in soviet russia, car drive you!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

I wonder if it is easier for a bisexual people to ''come out'' (for those who don't know, I am straight)
how come when ever somebody does something completely crazy, they claim to hear voices?
I think sibling rivalry is more prevalent when we're kids
recess, snack time and nap time would have been handy in high school

Saturday, December 19, 2009

do the borders stay open 24 7?
logically noah's ark wouldn't work because the sheer amount of water it would have to displace too stay afloat and the carnivors and herbavors would have to be separate, etc.
I wonder what would happen if a marine mammal (like a dolphin, seal or whale) dried out
if you kept a laser pointer pointed at like a piece of paper in the same place, wouldn't it eventually burn a hole?
what is the point of being able to talk if I can't occasionally be a smart ass?
Luke, I need my inhaler
I bet the people who do jobs (like working in a land fill, etc.) actually wanted to do that as a kid. For that matter, I doubt any kid actually wants to be like a stripper
if you go far enough north in Alaska, you actually get 6 months of day and night

Friday, December 18, 2009

I wonder how ''doing it'' came to mean having sex
I don't even know what a godparent does or if the title has any legal value
I wonder if Reverend Shnorr (from Jerry Springer) is an ordained minister
I think your generation is generation x, so alphabetically my generation would be y and the next would be z (talking to Dad)
the ants go marching 1 x 1, horah, horah (I am actually not sure about the rest. It has been about 15 years)
since dog is god back ward, if there is a god, I wonder if he is a dog
since dog is god back ward, if there is a god, I wonder if he is a dog
since dog is god back ward, if there is a god, I wonder if he is a dog
I know men can rape women but I haven't a clue how women can rape men
I know men can rape women but I haven't a clue how women can rape men
I know men can rape women but I haven't a clue how women can rape men
I know men can rape women but I haven't a clue how women can rape men
I know men can rape women but I haven't a clue how women can rape men
I think most modern things do a lot of things mediocre instead of one thing well
I think most modern things do a lot of things mediocre instead of one thing well
I think most modern things do a lot of things mediocre instead of one thing well
I think most modern things do a lot of things mediocre instead of one thing well
I think most modern things do a lot of things mediocre instead of one thing well

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

moose and squirrel
Yanno, I was think associations whose names boil down to acronyms (like NAMBLA or PETA) tend to be asses
I don't think birds are reptiles
I think having a meteor hit the ground is actually fairly rare. most are small and burn up in the atmosphere, otherwise 75% of Earth is covered in water
I wonder what the record is for the longest-term healthy pregnancies is
pew pew pew!
can you function without hands?
when you are like me, you cherish the little things (like having a dog on the bed)
I will not eat them in a house, I will not eat them with a mouse. I will not eat them here or there, I will not eat them anywhere. I will not eat green eggs and ham, I will not eat them Sam I Am! (it has been about 15 years since I last read Green Eggs and Ham)

Monday, December 14, 2009

what the hell is Pluto?
I don't necessarily think global warming isn't happening but I figure that enough other people are doing stuff about it
I wonder how they determine who gets what number in football
I wonder if anybody is actually ever thrown at somebody else (like a baseball)
George w bush did come off as the village idiot, but I doubt any regular person could do better
even if you can't oxygenate your blood won't your heart keep beating for a few minutes?
even if you can't oxygenate your blood won't your heart keep beating for a few minutes?
then again I wouldn't even be in this situation in the first place so... yeah (reading)
it would be hilarious if somebody was dumb enough to give me a clapper

Sunday, December 13, 2009

word to your mother
I wonder how cheese and photography could possibly get associated like with saying cheese for pictures
I wonder what they do with any fish they happen to catch (on Deadliest Catch)
I remember teething when my wisdom teeth were coming in
what is the difference between a metric ton and a regular ton?
I wonder why we are fascinated by echoes

Saturday, December 12, 2009

waking up from emergency surgery, especially when you have no clue where you are, how you got there, etc. is really confusing
I wonder, if you chopped off Wolverine's head (in X Men) if it would kill him
if we discovered another planet that already had sentient life, what would give us the right to try and colonize it?
Hi, my name is Bob
I wonder if the parents from ConeHeads had to apply for citizenship
the dailing up noise is so last millenium
I wonder, if somebody in prison who has the death sentence dies before they get exicuted, if they will be revived just so their sentence can be carried out

Friday, December 11, 2009

I wonder what ice from like liquid nitrogen is like
I would actually say y'all when I could talk
I think ''How It's Made'' is fascinating
(sarcasm) I can't think of anything cooler than reading by pickle light
there seems to be quite a bit of 20 20 hindsight in history
I don't think black plague would be as bad now, since we would know now to quarintine
i would imagine in 3rd world countries things that aren't a big deal here (like mumps and measles) would be fatal

Thursday, December 10, 2009

I would think you would have to be a bit of a sick cookie to be a surgeon
I couldn't imagine how terrible it would be to wake up during surgery
most times the side effects sound worse in the commercials for like antidepressants and stuff
how in the world do you carve a pumpkin with a chainsaw?
I don't get how dead plants tie into Christmas.
''That's my name, don't wear it out'' is kinda dumb

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I wonder if that is just for voluntary thought
don't we only use like 10% of our brains?
I don't usually like ''survival'' shows on t.v. because they have skills and resources and stuff regular people don't.
energy (equals) mass (times) the speed of light (squared)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I wonder if gazillion is a real number
one of those random thoughts i just ran with
I think vegetarians and especially vegans are basket cases. Animals eat other animals, and having predetors keeps the population under control.
damn! it's chilly

Monday, December 7, 2009

''History of the World, Part 1'' is really funny. I particuarly liked the syncranized swimming nuns, Jews in Space and Hitler on Ice.
shlong is a ridiculous word
I think most people assume if you are mute you must be deaf because most deaf people choose to be mute

Sunday, December 6, 2009

quadding under the influence instead of driving under the influence
if somebody was dumb enough to give me a car I would lol at the irony
I heard if the entire history of the world was mapped out in a mile human history would be less then an inch
I wonder how seeing somebody came to mean dating them. I have never really associated those two things.
I wonder if Alaska and Hawai'i have teams in the NFL, NBA, NHL, etc.
I has toes
being in a metal tube propelled by a crap load of explosives seems like a bad idea to me
could you actually make an island by dropping a crap load of rocks in an area of the ocean? I don't think so.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

is the Bahamas like it's own country? I actually don't know.
sure mice can have icky stuff, but I imagine killing one and having it rot in your house and stink to high hell isn't any better.
I like ''How It's Made'' but I wonder how they make the robots that make stuff in factories. z
I think people know they are watching t.v. regardless of surround sound.
''Do you think gay dudes get turned on by thier own wieners?'' The Todd from Scrubs
I don't quite understand how zombies would even work. our muscles can't function without blood, and since zombies are technically dead...
i don't get the appeal of coffee. Then again, I don't like the taste and I avoid hot drinks so... yeah.

Friday, December 4, 2009

happiness is a warm puppy
the birds and the bees is a terrible metaphor
come to think of it we don't eat cute things like puppies or kittens
how do the crab get in the boxes? if it was explained in the 1st episode I haven't seen it (Deadlist Catch)
No wonder people from other countries thhink we are dumb. Most of our commercials are about money and or food
I doubt anybody has met thier great great grandparents

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I can math
1 plus 1 is 2, 2 plus 2 is 4, 4 plus 4 is 8, 8 plus 8 is 16 16 and 16 is 32, 32 and 32 is 64, 64 and 64 is128, 128 and 128 is 256, 256 and 256 is 512, 512 and 512 is 1024
I wonder if people have tried to rob the cash cab guy
do bees even have knees?
how insulting could it actually be to go somewhere people already live and ''survive''
we developed civilization for a reason
I don't think any regular person can survive like how they do on t.v. They have all kinds of stuff and skills regular people dont have.
that has to be really shocking to be getting it on and a British guy just bursts out of nowhere and picks you up
I wonder why us humans like to name inanimate objects

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I bet the frogs people lick to get high taste terrible
I bet the frogs people lick to get high taste terrible
I bet the frogs people lick to get high taste terrible
I bet the frogs people lick to get high taste terrible
I bet the frogs people lick to get high taste terrible
I bet the frogs people lick to get high taste terrible
I bet the frogs people lick to get high taste terrible
I bet the frogs people lick to get high taste terrible
I bet the frogs people lick to get high taste terrible
I bet the frogs people lick to get high taste terrible
why do they put a worm in tequila?
I think just having a button to press to start a car will make it easier to steal
do termites eat only wood?
I wonder if he has ever scared anybody so bad they had a heart attack in cash cab
why do people say babies come from the stomach? The stomach acid is meant to break stuff down into a goo for the intestines

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I wonder where term ''Davey Jones Locker'' comes from.
In this day and age the term ''shiver me timbers'' has a whole new meaning.
I don't see how it could be safe to put a pan full of hot coals in bed with you
weren't pirates one of the few people who could swim in the 1700's?
isn't uncooked crab meat mostly goo?
I imagine it would really suck to be joined at the forehead (conjoined twins)
you couldn't pay me to go to detroit
our eyes must be fascinating. we can see colour and in three dimensions.
I am pretty sure you would die if you fell 10 stories onto concrete.
the dogs are adorable
I r a grown up