Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Doing so well she's been transferred out of ICU..

Yep, I could hardly believe it yesterday myself. She is doing so well off the ventilator, and they have her pneumonia under control. Her kidneys are working fine now. They did an MRI of her knee yesterday. I'll find out today if they will have to do surgery to fix the damage done by the Rossmoor lift team..

But, she was in real good spirits. She was back to smiling a lot, playing tricks on me, having me chase all over her body for an itch. I noticed she was moving her head more, which she acknowledged as purposeful. Awesome!

I set up her communication computer. She's been too weak to use it, so I had it with me for safe keeping with all the transistions. When the Kaiser Liaison came to Rossmoor to meet me she was only concerned with where the computer was. I couldn't believe it. I'm standing there, wiping my daughter down trying to find out where she hurt (that was the day her sternum hurt and chest hurt) and she was most concerned with the location of the computer. People sometimes really crack me up...

I talked to a guy about a house yesterday. I go see it today. It would be a good place to bring her home to. I'm excited about the possibilities. I will be taking Michael with me to look at it this afternoon. Then, back off the the hospital to see whatelse the kid is up to.

I did get a kick out of calling her Neurologist and telling him that Sara was off the vent. He said she never would be. I just wanted to let him know that no matter what the brain CT scan looks like, or how bad you think a lesion is, that you can never truly know what a person is capable of. Sara always hated it when he'd say she'd never be off right in front of her. She'd sometimes grind her teeth in protest. I'm glad she proved him wrong. More importantly...I'm glad she proved herself right...

Go Kitten!