Saturday, August 16, 2008

Going to see Sara

I just wanted to post this. I will be seeing Sara this morning and spending the day with her like I do every Saturday. I don’t post much because I have a hard time putting into words what I see and feel when it comes to Sara. I am very protective of her and spend my days with her making sure she is comfortable and smiling.

I was there last Saturday when she had her breathing issues and stayed until it was time for her bath. Kristina gave me the honor of intrusting me with her care and giving the orders with the nurses and doctors. Kristina,Thank you. I am honored you trusted me that much with the care of someone so precious to us all. I wanted to write the post about the events of that day, but I couldn’t seem to put into word what had happened. I stared at my keyboard for an hour. I told Kristina latter on the phone, that I couldn’t separate feelings from fact. I don’t know how she does it.

Like I said, I am not much of a writer. On rare moments I can. I got an email from Sara a week ago and it was the highlight of my week. I want her home so I can see her more often. I know her friends want the same. We all are looking forward to the day she can come home and her family and friends can help her heal.

I know this post sound fragmented and convoluted, but it’s the best I can do for now. Will work on my communication skills! Until then, I will post when I can find the words.

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