Tuesday, February 26, 2008

End of the day update...

Sara is doing pretty well this evening. I just called and checked on her. The charge nurse said they put her on A/C for the night (assist control), her O2 sats and volumes are fine, but she is running a fever of 101. They've given her tylenol and are watching it. They said she is sleeping right now.

Daniel went to hang out with her today. Her dear friend Tim went too. I don't know the specifics of their visit, but I am sure there was plenty of laughter.

Daniel did call me a couple of times during and after the visit to update me on her condition. I felt better having another set of eyes on her today. Apparently they had put her back on SPON this morning, but only set her pressure support for 5, instead of the 10 it is supposed to be. She tolerated it fairly well for about 4 hours, then fatigued. They apparently caught it then, and put her up to 15 support to compensate. She apparently did not de-sat during that time, just got tired. There is a bit much monkeying with the ventilator if we come up with an "oops...that should have been set at..." Anyway, she was doing well as he left.

I'll be seeing her tomorrow.

Right now, her cat is at the end of my bed. He's doing a little cat snore he does. Too funny. He's so old..and she loves him so much. He's like an old stuffed animal, with one eye all messed up, and the covering rubbed off of a couple of places, that smells bad but you can't wash it or it will fall apart. She has a stuffed duck like that. Called Ducky. it is actually a platipus, but looks like a ducky. I don't know how long it took Tracy and I to figure out it wasn't actually a duck...

I'm rambling memories, so I must be tired. She sleeps, so I sleep. Adeiu


  1. It was actually Kim that came with me. Not Tim. One letter difference, we mix them up all the time.

  2. one letter difference...slight gender difference...it's all the same. :-P
    It was amazing how responsive she was since the last time I saw her. Her responses were clear and easy to understand; she smiled and laughed a lot. And she kept spelling out the word "french" cause she wanted Daniel to kiss her. It was really good to see her.

