Monday, January 21, 2008

Holiday at the Hospital

Title basically says it all. Power at SSU (where my school is) was out today so no robotics, plus it's a holiday so no school. So I decided to go up to Sacramento to see Sara.

She wasn't expecting to see me (see, robotics typically means I don't do a whole hell of a lot other than... robotics for six weeks), and she seemed pretty happy. She moved both of her arms a pretty noticeable amount and we told her jokes most of the time (or just generally funny stuff).

We also told her about being able to come home (possibly). She seemed pretty happy about that.

I learned how to use the letterboard today. She spelled out "I love you" for mom and when I used it, she spelled "Raindear". I have a feeling she was messing with me... How typical.

Well, I've nothing else to say, really.

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