Well I should have posted this last night, but sat down to dinner and started reading. My roommate woke me up this morning in the same chair. Sigh, when I sleep, I sleep.
Now on to Sara. I got to the hospital and she had a big smile on her face. I told her I was sorry I didn’t get to see her last weekend from the flue. She was already in the cardiac chair and looking really good. She had her neck brace on and I asked the nurse about it. I had read in the blogs that she had it taken off. Deborah explained that she put it on when she is in the chair just for the support. When she gets moved back to the bed, it would come off. Well I got telling Sara all about things going on with me and we joked with each other. I also let her know that Dusty was out of the woods. She smiled when she heard that.
She has the best sense of humor and love to mess with me. So she would mess with me on false answers and laugh when he poor old man figured it out. We went back and forth like this for a while, and then it was time for her to come out of the chair.
I got kicked from the room by Deborah while she got cleaned up and moved. After about 30 minutes in the hall, I was allowed back in again. I asked Sara if she wanted to watch videos on laptop again, and she answered yes. So I pulled out all the videos I had brought up and had her choose which one she wanted to see. She chooses Stargate SG1. That was our show ever Friday night when she was younger. I bought a set of speakers for the laptop because the last time we watched a movie on it, the speakers where so low it was hard to hear. Well we didn’t have that problem today LOL. Well we watched 2 episodes and she was glued to the laptop. We had to pause a few times for standard nursing things that had to get done. But it was a good time for both of us.
It reminded me so much when we would sit up all night Friday night and watch SCI-FI channel late into the night. It’s one of my fondest memories with Sara. We would sit up all night and tell jokes to each other and talk all night. As she got older and got more involved with friends and boys, that Friday night ritual slowly faded. I missed it, but I also understood that she was starting to grow up.
Well I didn’t have any symptoms from my flue, but I was still very drained from it. I left Sara and promised to see her soon. I am so looking forward to her being closer to us so I can have more opportunities to see her.
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