Monday, December 31, 2007

Lazy Sunday

Nothing interesting today. But in a good way. Nurse Deborah said that Sara laughed (as much as she can) at her today. I forget for what reason though. She also spent a coupple hours in the cardiac chair. I got lots of smiles today. That is always encouraging.

Since I finished The Hobbit, I asked if she wanted me to read another book to her. She indicated yes. Thankfully, she does not want me to read her Lord of the Rings. Since I have the whole LotR in one book, its a daunting task. I eventually figured out that she wants me to read a book off of her shelf. She also indicated that she had a specfic book in mind. Unfortunatly, since I can't work with the letter board, I have no way of knowing which one. I'll have to either bring a list of all her books and go through them, or Have somebody else ask her to spell the title of the book using the letter board. (Every time I've tried to use the letter board, I've failed miserably. She indicated I should give up for now.)

The skin on her feet is still dry and cracking in places, So i rubed in some lotion and gave her a foot rub in the process. Fortunatly her hands didn't look bad today, so I left them alone. She did however have a buildup of adhesive from the varous sensors on her body being moved around. So Deborah and I got adhesive removal wipes, wash cloths and warm water and got rid of as much of that stuff as we could. Her skin was nice an clean afterwards. I always feel better knowing that she's comfortable in her own skin. And I know Sara appreciates it too.

On a clinical note, I noticed that Sara is back down to a normal percentage of oxygen on her ventalator.

~Daniel H.


  1. So, dear Sara, I am not certain if my last note got through these computer tangles, but I wanted you to know that as I am listening to the fireworks exploding, welcoming the New Year, I am thinking about you and wishing all healing to come your way. You are in my heart every night and checking in on your status is the last thing I do before sleep. May your dreams be sweet and may they all comne true.
    Great warm hugs,
    Jan Brady (Daniel's nextdoor neighbor)

  2. Sara has the audio books for the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Probably why she doesn't need them read to her. K
