Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sunday Update

It was mentioned in the last entry that Sara was in a bit of pain, what was not mentioned was the source/area. Sara has had a bit of pain in her throat . This is most likely linked to the tube in her throat that she is breathing through. It has previously not caused her any pain, but since she is stronger now and moving a lot more when she coughs, it is likely that the new movements are causing the tube to rub inside her throat. The X-ray taken will help them figure out what length a new tube should be in order to deal with the pain. Hurray for non surgery solutions! (All they'll have to do is slide out the old tube and slide in a new one. It takes about 4 seconds.)

Recently Sara has been running a bit of a fever for a few days now. The nurses took some samples today and are looking into the cause. She was a bit tired today. She had been up in the chair for two hours or so before I got there. Also, they had dropped the pressure support on her ventalator for a few days, and she seemed to be wearing out because of it so they boosted the pressure support today for a while to give her a bit of a break. Dr. Immel (one of our high school science teachers) came by again today for a visit. He and I talked to her for several hours. Mostly about our class mates and memories of high school. I tried working with the letter board, but I'm not good at it at all. Sara was able to confirm my suspicions that I was screwing it up pretty badly, so we agreed that I should give up on it for the time being. After Dr. Immel left, I had the nurse help me shift her to one side so I could climb into bed with her and read to her. We're almost done with The Hobbit. Her hands and feet are still drying out on a regular basis, so I spent some time on her hands and feet with the scrubbing glove and some lotion/moisturizer stuff. She said that it felt better after I was done. When I left for the evening, I asked if she wanted to sleep, She said no. So I turned on the TV for her and left her watching Shrek.
~Daniel H.

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