Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Alive and apparently kicking...

Sara, feisty as ever, is apparently trying to show her displeasure about getting these ski boot looking things put on her feet. I know they must be uncomfortable - and HOT. They are to keep her from getting "drop foot" or a condition that makes her persistently point her toes. If left alone she would not be able to stand eventually.

I just think its funny. I told Mike that it was probably just a reflexive movement, and not a purposeful movement. Nurse-Debora told him that she had done it earlier this morning, too. We still have to wait and see if she can do it "on command".

The doctors still persist that she is totally locked-in and any movements are purely coincidental and reflexive. My bet is on Sara...

1 comment:

  1. I have spent enough time with her not to believe that for a minute. She just moves to much for me to buy into that. She will show them. I know it.

