Thursday, November 15, 2007

Just me there today.

No major changes in Sara's status today. The lowered the amount of pressure that her respirator is assisting her from 15 down to 10. She was like that for about 5 hours before the lower rate started to tire her out a bit. They compromised and raised the levels up to 12 which she seemed to do well with. Here left eye started getting slightly off track right before I left. I notified the nurse, who called the doc about it. He said that it was nothing that they hadn't seen before and they aren't worried about it. but they will continue to monitor it and track its progress.

In less clinical news, I spent most of today either reading the Hobbit to her or sleeping. Today also marks three years of Sara and I being together. The nurse, Deborah, Gave us the best possible anniversary gift I could imagine. She shifted Sara to one side of her bed, moved all but one tube and I was allowed to lie down next to her and cuddle for about 2 hours. I stayed like that until my shoulder went numb. I know she enjoyed that as much or more then I did.

1 comment:

  1. Daniel, thank you for your description of your anniversary. It's a treasure. Three years is a long time - a significant portion of your and Sara's lives! I am so grateful that nurse understood the importance of such an occasion, and took the time to make it possible for you to be close on "your day." I'm sure your touch, your smell, the sight of your handsome face and sweet and loving eyes are the very best medicine for Sara! Come over to the Hansen's some night soon for dinner so I can give you a big hug - I know you are going through Hell - but as Winston Churchill so eloquently said, "If you're going through Hell keep going!" Take care of yourself, savor every minute you have with Sara, and try to focus on a positive vision of the future.

    Love and hugs,
    Leslie Hansen
