Tuesday, November 20, 2007

A visit on the way out of town...

Daniel and his father Dave stopped by the hospital on their way to Grass Valley for Thanksgiving. They stopped by the hospital to spend some time with Sara.

Daniel told me that he read to her and she seemed to be enjoying listening. He told me that she was communicating well and was working on her blinking. (I told Sara that she needs to work on blinking as it will make using the alphabet board easier...moving the eyes up and down takes a LOT more work.)

All in all he said she seems to be doing pretty well and did not seem uncomfortable following yesterdays surgery.

I asked her yesterday if she wanted to start seeing her friends, and she gave me a big YES. So, we will start making arrangements for other people to get a chance to see her. Now since her acute medical issues are stable, its important to reconnect her with her world. I know she has missed her friends and mentors considerably.

If you are going out of town to spend Thanksgiving with family - please Drive Safe!


  1. Hi Kristina,

    I want to wish you and your family a restful Thanksgiving. Your amazing, heartfelt blog has been so inspirational.
    Yesterday, I heard about a device called a bionic brain chip. If you haven't already heard about this, go to knbc.com/drhensel.
    Our thoughts and love are with you,
    Beth Field (Dylan's mom)

  2. Kristina, Mike, Daniel-
    Thank you for keeping us all up to date on Sara's progress with this wonderful blog. You know that Sara is in my heart every second. She stopped by my classroom a couple of weeks before the accident and I was so touched. She is a sweet, strong girl. I send my best wishes to you all and to Sara. You are all very courageous! Ms. Leslie Giffen
