Friday, November 2, 2007

Gathering strength...

Chaplain Beth came in a little while ago. Asked if she could pray with Sara. Well, since Sara has been awake and communicating today, I asked her. Knock me over with a feather, she said yes.

That right there is a huge change for her. It seems to me like somewhere in this week of hell she has either come to some understanding about God, or decided that she's going to get help from wherever she can to get through this.

One thing I've learned this week about her...never underestimate Sara. There are so many instances, during and after the accident, that she shouldn't have survived...but has. And, even in the midst of such a massive brain injury, she's still in there - telling us what to do. So her...


  1. Even though she and I may not be particularly religous, we still recognize that people from all walks of life have valid and comforting things to say. Regardless of what they practice.

  2. Matthew Chapter 5, verse 3 tells us, "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need..." I think it's true.
    Carol McCabe
